
Humanity is at a crucial point where it cannot forget its capacity to inspire. Creativity and sustainability are key. Let’s build a hexagonal awareness. Let’s pollinate culture.

La humanidad no puede olvidar su capacidad para inspirar. Creatividad y sostenibilidad son la clave. Construyamos una consciencia hexagonal. Polinicemos cultura.

Explore it

In 2017, artist Gema Álava began to place 24 carat gold hexagons in floors around the globe to highlight locations and individuals filled with talent and inspiration. Each hexagon tells a story of growth, hope or resilience.

En 2017 la artista Gema Álava comenzó la tarea de colocar hexágonos de 24 quilates de oro para destacar lugares y personas con talento e inspiración. Cada hexágono cuenta una historia de crecimiento, esperanza o resiliencia.

Discover it

Without bees who pollinate, humanity would perish. Without creative minds and culture, we would perish too. Beehives are hexagonal because hexagons are the most efficient geometric shapes. Gold was created in the collision of Supernova: a forze as powerful as the strengh of our inner potential.

Sin abejas que polinicen, la humanidad perecería. Sin mentes creativas, sin cultura, dejaríamos de evolucionar. Las colmenas son hexagonales porque el Hexágono es la forma geométrica más eficiente. El oro de la tierra se creó en supernovas: con una fuerza tan extraordinaria como la de nuestro propio potencial.

Be part of it

It’s urgent to build Cultural Beehives and learn to walk among Hexagons. Find your own potential and generate balance around you and your community. Sign up for a seminar led personally by Álava: activate and share your own vision.

Es urgente construir Colmenas Culturales y aprender a caminar entre hexágonos. Encuentra tu potencial personal y genera equilibrio alrededor tuyo. Inscríbete a un seminario dirigido por Álava: activa y comparte tu visión personal.

Just like Gertrude Stein, Gema Álava in her own way is bringing together the artists of this century, not just in one city but on a global level. She is creating her own network of creative souls. One that I fervently hope will someday rival in importance the literary and artistic salons of her Parisian predecessors.


Como hizo Gertrude Stein, Gema Álava está reuniendo a su modo a los artistas de este siglo, pero no en una ciudad sino a nivel mundial. Está creando una red de almas creativas que espero fervientemente sea rival en importancia a los salones artísticos y literarios de sus predecesores parisinos.


About Us

Hexagons launched this site in 2021 as a reaction to the cultural challenges originated by Coronavirus. Álava is currently designing courses that will be offered online and in person.

More about Us & Gema Álava

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You can be a sponsor or host HEXAGONS in your community: Contact us. Or, you can subscribe at no cost to this blog and to Gema Álava YOUTUBE channel.

More Ways to Get in Touch: www.gemaalava.com

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